About Us

Welcome to Ammolite Canada, your go-to online marketplace for the finest, ethically sourced Alberta ammolite products. Our platform proudly showcases the creative and collaborative efforts of passionate ammolite artisans. These individuals mine, collect, polish, and create authentic pieces of jewellery and inspirational works of art.

My fascination for this remarkable gemstone began when I was a salesperson at an ammolite retail store in Canmore, Alberta. Learning the intricate process of shaping, sanding, and polishing the gemstone was an eye-opening experience that drove my enthusiasm to share its beauty with the world. At this store, I gained a decade of experience leading public tours, guiding people through the entire ammolite journey, from mining the fossil to creating stunning gemstones.

Throughout this incredible career, I've had the pleasure of meeting extraordinary talents who have taken my appreciation for ammolite to new heights. I am eternally grateful to all these gifted individuals for their insight, creativity, and unwavering passion for this captivating gemstone. Ammolite Canada brings together all these incredible artisans in one place. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer to this gemstone, we are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional experience and truly authentic, high-quality Alberta ammolite.